Public Relations
My first professional news release (before email was a thing)
by Frank L. Williams In November 1993, five short months after I graduated from the N.C. State University Department of Communication, I wrote and distributed my first press release for a paying client. The client was my pledge brother at Theta Chi Fraternity, Montie Roland, who had recently started a safety consulting business. We took…
Read MoreMy first year in the Public Relations profession
It was June 24, 2019 — my first day coming to work for Pioneer Strategies. Right away I was introduced to my office, complete with a spacious desk, business cards and the most essential tools of the trade: a computer and phone. It’s hard to believe that was almost a year ago! Starting off, I…
Read MoreWebinar: Leadership and Communication in a Crisis
Build Your Reputation Before You Need It
by Frank L. Williams At its heart, public relations is about building and maintaining relationships with key publics. Relationships that stand the test of time are rooted in trust. Trustworthiness and credibility are joined at the hip. Credibility can be defined as the quality of being trusted and believed in or the quality of being convincing or believable. If you lack credibility,…
Read MorePR: It’s About Relationships, Not “Spin” or “Free Publicity”
by Frank L. Williams Over the years, I’ve run across more than a few people who think public relations is about nothing more than “spin” or “free publicity.” They are wrong. Stereotypes such as those dramatically oversimplify the public relations process. In 2011 and 2012, the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) conducted a member-engagement process to…
Read MoreWhat is Credibility and Why Does it Matter?
by Frank Williams Public relations and communication professionals will tell you that establishing, building and maintaining credibility is one of the most frequently mentioned purposes of a public relations program. I’ve heard about the importance of credibility ever since my first public relations classes at N.C. State (longer ago than I want to admit). But…
Read MoreCornerstone or Afterthought?
by Frank L. Williams A cornerstone can be defined as an important quality or feature on which a particular thing depends or is based. For a public relations program to be truly effective, it must be a strategic cornerstone that helps leaders guide an organization’s decision-making, not an afterthought that only receives sporadic attention when the…
Read MorePlanning for PR Impact: The Right Tools for Your Strategy
by Frank L. Williams In last month’s article, I continued my series on Planning for Impact by discussing how to identify strategies to achieve your desired outcomes. As a refresher, planning for impact means that, instead of starting with desired outputs such as sending a certain number of press releases or posting a certain number…
Read MorePlanning for PR Impact: Identifying Strategies
by Frank L. Williams In last month’s article, I continued my series on Planning for Impact by discussing the importance of defining your desired outcomes. Planning for impact means that, instead of starting with desired outputs such as sending a certain number of press releases or posting a certain number of items on Facebook, you should begin…
Read MorePlanning for PR Impact: Defining Your Desired Outcomes
by Frank Williams In my most recent article, I discussed the importance of planning for impact. By this I mean that instead of starting with desired outputs, such as sending a certain number of press releases or posting a certain number of items on Facebook, you should begin by discussing your desired outcomes. Put another way,…
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