There is No PR Silver Bullet

by Frank L. Williams We live in a society that demands instant gratification, often seeking it where it simply does not exist. In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey tells the story of a farmer whose goose laid a golden egg each day. The farmer got impatient and decided to speed up…

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Details Matter

by Frank L. Williams Details matter. When you do the small things well, it pays off over time. When you don’t, it can come back to haunt you. Benjamin Franklin said that “a small leak will sink a great ship.” If you get into the habit of ignoring or neglecting the little things, they can…

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Where Are You Headed?

By Frank L. Williams “We need to post on Facebook more often.” “We should do some billboards.” “We need to do a newsletter.” “I want to send out two press releases every month.” “We need to be doing ads like the ones that pop up after I search for a product on Google.” “Let’s buy…

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Strategy First!

by Frank L. Williams In the past, I’ve occasionally gotten strange looks from clients when I ask about their big-picture business or organizational goals. One even seemed a bit defensive and asked me why I wanted to know. The reason is simple: EVERY communication program or activity should be designed to move you toward your…

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Connecting Communication with Strategy

by Frank L. Williams Throughout my career as a public relations professional, I’ve adhered to a belief that effective communication flows from a solid strategy. Every communication activity should be designed, planned, and executed to help advance a larger business goal. Unfortunately, in far too many organizations, communication “programs” are anything but programs. They are…

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The Dangers of a Communication-Strategy Disconnect

by Frank L. Williams Throughout my career as a public relations professional, I’ve adhered to a belief that effective communication flows from a solid strategy. Every communication activity should be designed, planned, and executed to help advance a larger business goal. Unfortunately, in far too many organizations, communication “programs” are anything but programs. They are…

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A Plan on a Shelf

by Frank L. Williams Does your business, association or non-profit organization have a well-thought-out strategic plan, communication strategy, or crisis communication plan sitting on a shelf collecting dust? Over the years I’ve been involved with organizations and worked with clients who fell into this trap. In some cases, they invested countless hours developing a well-thought-out…

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The Power of Social Engagement

by Frank L. Williams Earlier this month, my wife and I attended the largest promotional products trade show in the world, the Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) Expo in Las Vegas. We were there to gain ideas for how to grow Pioneer Specialties, our promotional products business and a sister company to Pioneer Strategies. Additionally,…

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