There is No PR Silver Bullet

by Frank L. Williams We live in a society that demands instant gratification, often seeking it where it simply does not exist. In The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey tells the story of a farmer whose goose laid a golden egg each day. The farmer got impatient and decided to speed up…

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Williams graduates from Leadership North Carolina’s 30th Class

Pioneer’s Frank Williams recently completed the 2022-23 class of Leadership North Carolina, the state’s premier leadership deployment program. Leadership North Carolina Class XXX is made up of top leaders from the government, business, nonprofit and education sectors. “I strongly believe leaders should continually strive to increase their knowledge and improve their skills,” said Williams. “I’m…

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Get Out of Your Echo Chamber

by Frank L. Williams Oxford Languages defines an “echo chamber” as “an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.” offers a similar definition: “an environment in which the same opinions are repeatedly voiced…

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What’s Your Communication “Why”?

by Frank Williams Over the years, I’ve heard clients make resolute statements like “We need to do more press releases,” “We need to get more media coverage,” “We need to attend this event,” or, more in recent years, “We need to do more on social media.” When I hear such a statement, my first question…

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Demonstrating Your Expertise

by Frank L. Williams We all prefer to do business with people who are knowledgeable in their fields. If you need a heart surgeon, you want one who has experience and a proven track record of successfully performing the type of surgery you require. If your car isn’t running properly, you want a mechanic who…

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Don’t Confuse Them with the Facts

by Frank L. Williams We’ve probably all heard the saying, “don’t confuse them with the facts.” When I Googled the phrase while writing this article, I found another article entitled “My Mind Is Made Up. Don’t Confuse Me with the Facts.” In his timeless classic, How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie said…

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Paint Your Own Barn

by Frank L. Williams Over the course of my career, I’ve seen far too many organizations allow a reactive mindset and slow response time to hamper their public relations efforts. One organization (we’ll call it Company One) was subjected to a barrage of criticism from other organizations that were affected by one of Company One’s…

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