A Plan on a Shelf
by Frank L. Williams Does your business, association or non-profit organization have a well-thought-out strategic plan, communication strategy, or crisis communication plan sitting on a shelf collecting dust? Over the years I’ve been involved with organizations and worked with clients who fell into this trap. In some cases, they invested countless hours developing a well-thought-out…
Read MoreThe Power of Social Engagement
by Frank L. Williams Earlier this month, my wife and I attended the largest promotional products trade show in the world, the Promotional Products Association International (PPAI) Expo in Las Vegas. We were there to gain ideas for how to grow Pioneer Specialties, our promotional products business and a sister company to Pioneer Strategies. Additionally,…
Read MoreTake 2023 by the Horns
by Frank L. Williams I’ve often heard that time passes faster as you get older. If 2022 is an indicator, this statement is indisputably true. It’s hard for me to fathom that 2023 is only a few days away. The passage of time from one year to the next is a time of reflection for…
Read MoreLittle Things that Will Make a Big Difference for Young Professionals Entering the Workforce
by Frank L. Williams On October 27, 2022, I had the privilege of serving as the keynote speaker at N.C. State University’s annual PR Day event, which is organized by the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA). I was particularly honored to speak at this event given that I was a PRSSA member and…
Read MoreThe Value of Patience
by Frank L. Williams Patience is one of the foundational keys to success in public relations, branding, networking, and countless other areas. However, we live in a “show me the quick-fix” world in which nearly everyone wants instant results from processes that naturally take time. Many years ago, one of my clients decided to purchase…
Read MoreDoes Your Organization Suffer from “Irrelevant Great Idea Syndrome”?
by Frank L. Williams In addition to my businesses, I’ve been involved with a wide range of civic, professional, political and other organizations over the years. Nearly every one of those organizations has been afflicted with what I call “Irrelevant Great Idea Syndrome” at some point. This affliction arises when a member of the organization…
Read MoreEight Presentation Killers and How to Avoid Them
by Frank L. Williams During the course of my work on various boards and committees, I am on the receiving end of a wide range of presentations. Some presentations are engaging, informative, and even entertaining. Others are mind-numbingly boring or painful to sit through. I’ve observed a number of common mistakes that tend to torpedo…
Read MoreGet Out of Your Echo Chamber
by Frank L. Williams Oxford Languages defines an “echo chamber” as “an environment in which a person encounters only beliefs or opinions that coincide with their own, so that their existing views are reinforced and alternative ideas are not considered.” offers a similar definition: “an environment in which the same opinions are repeatedly voiced…
Read MoreBeware a Design with No Plan
by Frank L. Williams In the early- to mid-2000s, I was approached by a soon-to-be entrepreneur who wanted a marketing communication plan for his new business. When we came to terms, he had already engaged a designer to create his website, but they had not yet started work. I advised this aspiring entrepreneur to hit…
Read MoreWhat’s Your Communication “Why”?
by Frank Williams Over the years, I’ve heard clients make resolute statements like “We need to do more press releases,” “We need to get more media coverage,” “We need to attend this event,” or, more in recent years, “We need to do more on social media.” When I hear such a statement, my first question…
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